Supporting Dainichi Lathe user is the highest priority at Dainichi Machinery, Inc. From technical advice to hands on repair, experianced staffs at Dainichi Machinery can support customers running their lathe at most.

Parts and Technical Advise

(630) 681-0550 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm CST

Service Fee Schedule

Description Rate (M-F 8:30-17:00) Over Time (After 17:00) Weekend and Holiday
Labor $130/hr $150/hr $195/hr
Travel Time $50/hr $50/hr $50/hr
Milage $0.62/mile
Travel Expence *1 Actual Actual
Per Diem $60/Day $60/Day
Note *1: Travel expenses include Air Fare, Rent a Car, Parking, Toll, Hotel, and Gas.